How to care your eyes

Skin around the eyes should begin, the sooner the better. No, this does not mean that you need
from morning till night lubricate it with different fatty gels and creams, or by means of premature aging.

Just keep in mind that because of the very fine structure, and not in the name of subcutaneous fat,the skin around the eyes very quickly becomes dry and loses its elasticity.

And as the skin age, while awake, almost always mobile (blinking eyes, facial expressions),
then if it is not enough hydrated, stretch and first wrinkles do not take long to wait. Therefore,
the most important element in caring for the skin around the eye is its moisture, and with the youth.

Treat very carefully to the choice of skin care age. Up to 25 years, or even better,
up to 30 (if your skin around the eyes is not in critical condition) is to refrain from anti-aging cosmetic products.

Try to choose light, moisturizing creams and gels.It is well suited for this purpose and special natural oils, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The choice of Long enough, so try reading the description of their purpose, to select for themselves the most suitable.

Also pay attention to the cosmetics, so for example, after the funds, which include the lanolin the skin around the eyes may blush, and a little pripuhnut.

Very well, if the creams contain vitamins A and E. Can I somehow take care of eyelid skin at home? Of course you can, so extra care will only benefit.

From natural beauty can easily make a mask, and other means to moisturize and nourish the skin from the community and bruises under his eyes, tired eyes,
syrup, and swollen eyelids, to smooth the skin around the eye, and eliminate wrinkles.

Here are the sections with recipes from home cosmetics Skin Care century
grouped by different actions on the skin.

Dark circles under the eyes and bruises
:you suffer regularly appearing black eyes? Learn all about their causes, and you may be quite easily solve this problem.
Also look at the popular recipes, from medicinal herbs, tea, potatoes, and other natural ingredients to help you get rid of dark circles under the eyes as soon as possible.

Caring for lashes :
you want to have long, thick and beautiful lashes? Or maybe you have a problem eyelashes that regularly or break down? This article will tell you about how you can take care of eyelashes at home, using natural vegetable oils.

What kind of oil can significantly accelerate the growth of eyelashes, as well as several recipes mixtures of natural oils, which is recommended for good nutrition, and strengthen your eyelashes.
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